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Digital Arts Studio E

Construction on the newest room at Digital Arts began prior to lockdown. The finishing touches were added during the pandemic, and it has quickly become the crown jewel in the audio department at our facility.

The control room has all sorts of tricks up it's sleeve. For starters, it's a Dolby Atmos mix suite with a Hollywood style stage. The acoustic panels all around were custom made, as is the furniture housing the mixer and mic pres. To the right of the mix position is a client or assistant seat. In front of the mix position is a client couch, so they can have front-row seats into the recording space. In a world of Zoom (and also Source Live from Source Elements), we have also added to large displays on either side of the room. Now everyone in the room can see the remote clients!

Here's where it gets fun! Our massive video display sits atop the large control room window. But at the push of a button, it lowers down COVERING the window for when mixing is happening. At the same time, the table in front of the client couch in front of the mixer secretly houses the center channel speaker. Push a button and it rises to meet the display, giving us proper Atmos mixing specs. For those unfamiliar, you're further surrounded buy an array of speakers to your left, right, above and behind you. It's glorious!

This room is simply gorgeous- both technically and sonically! It's no wonder our biggest clients request it for video games, film, TV series, looping, and commercial work. And yet, Digital Arts has yet to do an official press release on it. This is just a teaser. More to come on the design and technical aspects! Stay tuned.


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