Pandemic Production- Audio: The Path of Least Resistance!

Each day seems that we're a little closer getting out in the world. Here in the New York Tri-State Area, the focus is still on safety and social distancing- but with an eye towards opening up for business again. While we’re all discussing and implementing safety measures, most of us have settled into working from home. In truth, as a facility, Digital Arts only closed it's doors- but we've been working remotely since day one mixing, sound designing, color grading, and editing.
I recently hosted an event where agency producers, talent and creatives came together to watch “Pandemic Production: Radio Unmasked”. It was a fun and informative night demonstrating a complete "from home" workflow from casting through delivery. I have posted a video of the resulting radio spot that I wrote for the occasion.
For the demo, Debra Sperling connected from her home studio via Source Connect. Music was provided by KBV Records’ Tony Verderosa. I then went back and asked several actors that I’ve had the privilege of helping improve their home studios to be able to be “broadcast ready from home” to participate and make it a group spot. Enjoy the finished product below! A huge thank you to Debra Sperling, Lawton Paseka, Kelly Deadmon and Jim Conroy for lending their amazing voices to the project.
While voice actors and engineers working from home is nothing new, agency clients have found that the way we've put it all together makes for a pretty seamless and smooth production. We haven't yet worked out getting sushi sent over Zoom- but I'm sure that's coming!
If you're interested in a demonstration or want to discuss your next project- feel free to reach out. Email me at or hit the chat tab at